Better data
Enhanced insights
Winning results

Understand and identify voters with advanced mapping, instant voter intelligence, targeting criteria, and top-tier data services

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Enrich Your Data
Improve Your Analysis

Harmonize your polling, voter, and campaign data with enhanced datasets available from our catalog

Demographic Data
Voter History Data
Voter Ideology Scores
Contact Information
Key Variables by Voter
Donor Data
Voter Location Data
Flip Voter Criteria
Voter Models
Election History
Proprietary Crime Index

Uncomplicated Tools
Powerful Results

Manage, map, and analyze your data instantly along with any variables from our library. Build reports, lists, change-over-time comparisons, and data-driven presentations with ease.

Tell Your Story

Build data-driven interactive presentations with easy to use tools. Turn any analysis into a story with slide editor that includes change over time comparisons, data comparisons, and outputs to PDF, PowerPoint, or embeddable HTML5.

Target Voter Segments

Unlock valuable insights by precisely identifying and engaging specific voter segments based on demographics, ideologies, past voting behavior and interests.

Synthesize Polling Data

Stay ahead of the game by harmonizing polling data with voter records, providing you with current insights into public opinion. Blend the data from your outreach with voter records, providing you with up-to-date insights into the electorate.

Map Voter Ideologies

Assess voter ideologies and influencing factors dynamically, enabling you to understand political landscapes at a glance and identify areas of impact without spreadsheets.

Instant Crosstab Analysis

Hundreds of variables and millions of records analyzed instantly. Select from anywhere and get immediate summarization. Uncover hidden patterns and relationships, fine-tune your messaging to resonate with specific voter groups.

Build Targeted GOTV Lists

Effortlessly create robust GOTV lists to connect with your most passionate supporters, identify independents with tipping points, and maximize voter turnout.

Find the voters you need to win

Case Study: KY-CAVE/Protect KY Access Coalition

Voter Contacts


Turnout Boost


Additional Votes Generated

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The Kentucky Commonwealth Alliance Voter Engagement and the Protect Kentucky Access Coalition used Political Explorer to defeat an anti-abortion referendum in a state that Donald Trump had carried with 64% of the vote.

Map of the number of Kentucky Registered Voters: Single Mothers, by Precinct

Polling showed a drop off in Hispanic rural support. Visualizing polling data on the map showed that the problem wasn’t in the South East farming areas as thought based on survey responses, but in North East areas around the meat packing plants. Rationalizing the polling data on the map allowed the campaign to adapt its strategy and take a more targeted approach.

Map of the number of Kentucky Registered Voters: Single Mothers, by Precinct

Understand voter motivation

Colorado Governor Race: 72% of Latinos voted for Polis
“We saw on the maps, things we never would have seen in the crosstabs.”

Colorado pollster Rick Ridder,
RBI Strategies and Research

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